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Animals That Start With O, A List

There’s a short list of my favorite animals that start with o. But that’s just the beginning! We’ve compiled the biggest list ever of more than 700 animals beginning with O!

Our list uses only common names because scientific names are probably not what you’re looking for (and very difficult to pronounce). I’ve only included wild animals (no pet breeds or domesticated animals). This list focuses on vertebrate animals (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, & fish) but also includes a bunch of invertebrate animals at the end, like the Octopus!

Opossum or possum?
Opossum! one of our favorite animals beginning with  O!

One interesting thing to point out about animals that start with o: if it weren’t for the colors ochre, olive, and orange, we would lose 66% of the birds on our list!

What are some animals that start with O?

  1. Orca (Killer whale)
  2. Ocelot (small spotted cat)
  3. Octopus (most intelligent invertebrate)
  4. Orangutan (great ape)
  5. Okapi (closest relative to the giraffe)
  6. Owl (nocturnal bird of prey)
  7. Opossum (marsupial in North America – remember that possum is an animal that lives in Australia. See the difference between possum vs opossum)
  8. Ostrich (biggest bird in the world – and the one who lays the biggest eggs in the world!)
  9. Olm (cave salamander)
  10. Olingo (tropical member of raccoon family)
  11. Osprey (fish-eating bird of prey)
  12. Otter (aquatic mammal)
  13. Oarfish (longest bony fish, deep sea)
  14. Onager (Asiatic wild ass)
  15. Oriole (colorful songbird)
  16. Oribi (small antelope)
  17. Oxpecker (hitchhiking bird in Africa)
  18. Oyster (bivalve mollusk)
  19. Omao (endemic Hawaiian songbird)
  20. Oystercatcher (wading bird that eats shellfish)
  21. Oryx (desert-adapted antelope)
  22. Oilbird (nocturnal fruit-eating bird)
  23. Oropendola (large tropical perching bird)
  24. Ovenbird (North American warbler)
animals that start with o
One of my favorite Animals That Start With O: the octopus!

How Many Animals That Start With O are on our list?

67 Mammals
222 Birds
31 Reptiles
29 Amphibians
301 Fish
71 Invertebrates
= 721  Animals That Start With the Letter O!

If you want more information about any of these animals starting with o, you can highlight a name in the list and then right click it in your browser. Choose “Search with Google” and check the results. Some of my favorite information sources are the IUCN Redlist, Arkive, Fishbase, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Encyclopedia of Life, & One Zoom.

Related: Animals That Start With N: an Illustrated Guide

I spent over a week making all these cool illustrations of animals that start with n so please check it out!


Mammals: 67 Animals That Start With O

animals starting with o: the orangutan
Animals starting with o: Orangutan
  1. Ocelot
  2. Okapi
  3. Olingo
  4. Onager
  5. Opossum
  6. Orangutan
  7. Orca
  8. Oribi
  9. Oryx
  10. Otter
  11. Ox
  12. O’Connell’s spiny rat
  13. Oaxaca giant deer mouse
  14. Oaxacan pocket gopher
  15. Obi island cuscus
  16. Obi mosaic-tailed rat
  17. Occidental gerbil
  18. Ochre bush squirrel
  19. Ochre mole rat
  20. Ogilby’s duiker
  21. Ogilvie mountain collared lemming
  22. Ohiya rat
  23. Oku mouse shrew
  24. Olalla’s titi
  25. Oldfield mouse
  26. Oldfield mouse
  27. Oldfield white-bellied rat
  28. Olga’s dormouse
  29. Olive baboon
  30. Olive colobus
  31. Olive grass mouse
  32. Olive montane mouse
  33. Olive-backed pocket mouse
  34. Olivier’s shrew
  35. Olrog’s chaco mouse
  36. Olympic marmot
  37. Omilteme cottontail
  38. One-striped short-tailed opossum
  39. One-toothed shrew mouse
  40. Ontong Java flying fox
  41. Ooldea dunnart
  42. Opossum rat
  43. Orange fruit bat
  44. Orange leaf-nosed bat
  45. Orange mouse
  46. Orange nectar bat
  47. Orange-bellied Himalayan squirrel
  48. Orange-spined hairy dwarf porcupine
  49. Ord’s kangaroo rat
  50. Oriental small-clawed otter
  51. Oriente cave rat
  52. Orinoco agouti
  53. Orinoco sword-nosed bat
  54. Ornate flying fox
  55. Ornate shrew
  56. Osgood’s horseshoe bat
  57. Osgood’s leaf-eared mouse
  58. Osgood’s mouse
  59. Osgood’s rat
  60. Osgood’s short-tailed opossum
  61. Otter civet
  62. Oubangui mouse
  63. Owl’s spiny rat
  64. Owl-faced monkey
  65. Owston’s palm civet
  66. Oyapock’s fish-eating rat
  67. Ozark big-eared-bat

Birds: 222 Animals Beginning With O

owl: animals beginning with o
Animals beginning with O: Owl
  1. Oilbird
  2. Omao
  3. Orangequit
  4. Oriole
  5. Osprey
  6. Ostrich
  7. Ovenbird
  8. Owl
  9. Oxpecker
  10. Oystercatcher
  11. Oahu Amakihi
  12. Oahu Oo
  13. Oasis Hummingbird
  14. Oaxaca Hummingbird
  15. Oaxaca Sparrow
  16. Obbia Lark
  17. Oberlaender’s Ground-Thrush
  18. Obi Woodcock
  19. Obscure Berrypecker
  20. Obscure Honeyeater
  21. Ocellated Antbird
  22. Ocellated Crake
  23. Ocellated Poorwill
  24. Ocellated Quail
  25. Ocellated Tapaculo
  26. Ocellated Thrasher
  27. Ocellated Turkey
  28. Ocellated Woodcreeper
  29. Ochraceous Attila
  30. Ochraceous Bulbul
  31. Ochraceous Pewee
  32. Ochraceous Piculet
  33. Ochraceous Wren
  34. Ochraceous-breasted Flycatcher
  35. Ochre-bellied Flycatcher
  36. Ochre-bellied Hawk-Owl
  37. Ochre-breasted Antpitta
  38. Ochre-breasted Brush Finch
  39. Ochre-breasted Pipit
  40. Ochre-breasted Spinetail
  41. Ochre-breasted Tanager
  42. Ochre-browed Thistletail
  43. Ochre-cheeked Spinetail
  44. Ochre-collared Piculet
  45. Ochre-faced Tody-Flycatcher
  46. Ochre-flanked Tapaculo
  47. Ochre-fronted Antpitta
  48. Ochre-marked parakeet
  49. Ochre-naped Ground Tyrant
  50. Ochre-rumped Antbird
  51. Ochre-striped Antpitta
  52. Ogea Flycatcher
  53. Okinawa Rail
  54. Old World Babbler
  55. Oleaginous Hemispingus
  56. Olivaceous Alseonax
  57. Olivaceous Elaenia
  58. Olivaceous Flatbill
  59. Olivaceous Greenlet
  60. Olivaceous Piculet
  61. Olivaceous Piha
  62. Olivaceous Siskin
  63. Olivaceous Thornbill
  64. Olivaceous Thrush
  65. Olivaceous Warbler
  66. Olivaceous Woodcreeper
  67. Olive Bulbul
  68. Olive Flycatcher
  69. Olive Flyrobin
  70. Olive Honeyeater
  71. Olive Ibis
  72. Olive Long-tailed Cuckoo
  73. Olive Manakin
  74. Olive Sparrow
  75. Olive Spinetail
  76. Olive Straightbill
  77. Olive Sunbird
  78. Olive Thrush
  79. Olive warbler
  80. Olive Whistler
  81. Olive-backed Euphonia
  82. Olive-backed Flowerpecker
  83. Olive-backed Foliage-gleaner
  84. Olive-backed Oriole
  85. Olive-backed Quail Dove
  86. Olive-backed Sunbird
  87. Olive-backed Tanager
  88. Olive-backed Woodcreeper
  89. Olive-backed Woodpecker
  90. Olive-bellied Sunbird
  91. Olive-brown Bulbul
  92. Olive-brown Oriole
  93. Olive-capped Flowerpecker
  94. Olive-capped Warbler
  95. Olive-chested Flycatcher
  96. Olive-crowned Crescentchest
  97. Olive-crowned Flowerpecker
  98. Olive-crowned Yellowthroat
  99. Olive-flanked Robin-Chat
  100. Olive-flanked Whistler
  101. Olive-green Camaroptera
  102. Olive-green Tanager
  103. Olive-green Tyrannulet
  104. Olive-headed Brush Finch
  105. Olive-headed Lorikeet
  106. Olive-headed Weaver
  107. Olive-rumped Serin
  108. Olive-sided flycatcher
  109. Olive-spotted Hummingbird
  110. Olive-streaked Honeyeater
  111. Olive-striped Flycatcher
  112. Olive-tree Warbler
  113. Olive-yellow Myzomela
  114. Olive-yellow Robin
  115. Olrog’s Cinclodes
  116. Olrog’s Gull
  117. One-coloured Becard
  118. Opal-crowned Manakin
  119. Opal-crowned Tanager
  120. Opal-rumped Tanager
  121. Openbill stork
  122. Orange Bishop
  123. Orange Bullfinch
  124. Orange Chat
  125. Orange Dove
  126. Orange Ground Thrush
  127. Orange Oriole
  128. Orange Weaver
  129. Orange-backed Troupial
  130. Orange-backed Woodpecker
  131. Orange-banded Flycatcher
  132. Orange-banded Thrush
  133. Orange-barred Willow Warbler
  134. Orange-bellied Antwren
  135. Orange-bellied Euphonia
  136. Orange-bellied Flowerpecker
  137. Orange-bellied Fruit Dove
  138. Orange-bellied Leafbird
  139. Orange-bellied manakin
  140. Orange-bellied parakeet
  141. Orange-bellied Trogon
  142. Orange-billed Babbler
  143. Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush
  144. Orange-billed Sparrow
  145. Orange-breasted Bunting
  146. Orange-breasted Bushshrike
  147. Orange-breasted Falcon
  148. Orange-breasted Fig Parrot
  149. Orange-breasted Fruiteater
  150. Orange-breasted Green Pigeon
  151. Orange-breasted Honeyeater
  152. Orange-breasted Rockjumper
  153. Orange-breasted Sunbird
  154. Orange-breasted Trogon
  155. Orange-browed Hemispingus
  156. Orange-cheeked Honeyeater
  157. Orange-cheeked Waxbill
  158. Orange-chinned Parakeet
  159. Orange-collared Manakin
  160. Orange-crested Flycatcher
  161. Orange-crested Manakin
  162. Orange-crowned Euphonia
  163. Orange-crowned Oriole
  164. Orange-crowned Warbler
  165. Orange-eared Tanager
  166. Orange-eyed flycatcher
  167. Orange-flanked Bush-Robin
  168. Orange-footed Scrub Fowl
  169. Orange-fronted Barbet
  170. Orange-fronted Fruit Dove
  171. Orange-fronted Hanging-Parrot
  172. Orange-fronted Parakeet
  173. Orange-fronted Plushcrown
  174. Orange-fronted Yellow Finch
  175. Orange-gorgetted Flycatcher
  176. Orange-headed Tanager
  177. Orange-headed Thrush
  178. Orange-spotted Bulbul
  179. Orange-throated Sunangel
  180. Orange-throated Tanager
  181. Orange-tufted Sunbird
  182. Orange-winged Amazon
  183. Orange-winged Pytilia
  184. Orangeriver Francolin
  185. Orchard Oriole
  186. Oriental Bay-Owl
  187. Oriental Cuckoo
  188. Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher
  189. Oriental goldfinch
  190. Oriental Hobby
  191. Oriental Honey-buzzard
  192. Oriental Magpie-Robin
  193. Oriental Pied-Hornbill
  194. Oriental Pipit
  195. Oriental Plover
  196. Oriental Pratincole
  197. Oriental Scops Owl
  198. Oriental Turtle Dove
  199. Oriental white stork
  200. Oriental White-eye
  201. Oriental white-backed vulture
  202. Oriente Warbler
  203. Orinocan Saltator
  204. Orinoco Goose
  205. Orinoco Piculet
  206. Orinoco Softtail
  207. Oriole Blackbird
  208. Oriole Finch
  209. Oriole Warbler
  210. Ornate Flycatcher
  211. Ornate Fruit Dove
  212. Ornate Hawk-Eagle
  213. Ornate Lorikeet
  214. Ornate Melidectes
  215. Ornate Tinamou
  216. Oropendola
  217. Orphean Warbler
  218. Ortolan Bunting
  219. Oustalet’s Tyrannulet
  220. Oustalet’s White-bellied Sunbird
  221. Ouvea Parakeet
  222. Ovambo Sparrowhawk

Reptiles: 31 Animals Beginning With O

Animals that start with the letter O: Olive Ridley Turtle
  1. O’shaughnessy’s Keeled Iguana
  2. Oaxacan Cat-Eyed Snake
  3. Oaxacan Coral Snake
  4. Oaxacan Dwarf Boa
  5. Oaxacan Graceful Brown Snake
  6. Oaxacan Leaf-toed Gecko
  7. Oaxacan Mud Turtle
  8. Oaxacan Patchnose Snake
  9. Oaxacan spiny-tailed iguana
  10. Ocellated Day Gecko
  11. Ogilby’s Knobtail Gecko
  12. Okavango mud turtle
  13. Okinawa Black-breasted Leaf Turtle
  14. Olive Ridley Turtle
  15. Oliver’s New Zealand Skink
  16. Olive Sea Snake
  17. Olmecan Pit Viper
  18. Ophisaurus ceroni
  19. Ophisops occidentalis
  20. Ophryacus melanurus
  21. Opisthotropis kikuzatoi
  22. Orinoco crocodile
  23. Ornamental Snake
  24. Ornate box turtle
  25. Ornate Dragon
  26. Ornate Ground Snake
  27. Ornate slider
  28. Ornate Spiny Lizard
  29. Orsini’s Viper
  30. Ota’s Wolf Snake
  31. Otago skink

Amphibians: 29 Animals that Start With the Letter O

  1. Olm
  2. Oak Toad
  3. Ocoee salamander
  4. Odaigahara salamander
  5. Oita salamander
  6. Oki salamander
  7. Oklahoma salamander
  8. Olive Snout-burrower
  9. Olongburra frog
  10. Olympic salamander
  11. Omei horned toad
  12. One-toed amphiuma
  13. Orange-bellied frog
  14. Orange-crowned Toadlet
  15. Orange-thighed Frog
  16. Oregon slender salamander
  17. Oregon Spotted Frog
  18. Oriental Bell Toad
  19. Oriental Fire-bellied Newt
  20. Orlov’s Treefrog
  21. Ornamented Pygmy Frog
  22. Ornate Burrowing Frog
  23. Ornate Chorus Frog
  24. Ornate Frog
  25. Ornate horned frog
  26. Oshan Metacarpal-tubercled Toad
  27. Ouachita dusky salamander
  28. Oxapampa Poison Frog
  29. Ozark Zigzag Salamander

Fish: 301 Animals That Start With O

animals that start with o: orange clownfish
Animals starting with O: orange Clownfish
  1. Oarfish
  2. Ol’wife
  3. Opah
  4. Opaleye
  5. Opalfish
  6. Otuno
  7. Oaxaca cichlid
  8. Oaxaca killifish
  9. Oaxaca livebearer
  10. Obbes’ catfish
  11. Oblique banded rattail
  12. Oblique butterflyfish
  13. Oblique-banded cardinalfish
  14. Oblique-banded rockcod
  15. Oblique-lined dottyback
  16. Oblique-swimming triplefin
  17. Obliquebanded stingfish
  18. Oblong slipmouth
  19. Obscure damsel
  20. Obscure flathead
  21. Obscure goby
  22. Obscure ruff
  23. Obscure triplefin
  24. Obtuse barracuda
  25. Obtuse sandfish
  26. Occidental blenny
  27. Ocean bass
  28. Ocean pout
  29. Ocean sunfish
  30. Ocean triggerfish
  31. Ocean whitefish
  32. Oceanic anchovy
  33. Oceanic lightfish
  34. Oceanic whitetip shark
  35. Ocellate duckbill
  36. Ocellate skate
  37. Ocellate soapfish
  38. Ocellate spot skate
  39. Ocellate triplefin
  40. Ocellated angel shark
  41. Ocellated blenny
  42. Ocellated cardinalfish
  43. Ocellated damsel
  44. Ocellated dragonet
  45. Ocellated electric ray
  46. Ocellated flounder
  47. Ocellated frogfish
  48. Ocellated icefish
  49. Ocellated killifish
  50. Ocellated labyrinth fish
  51. Ocellated pipefish
  52. Ocellated rivulus
  53. Ocellated sand-eel
  54. Ocellated scorpionfish
  55. Ocellated sole
  56. Ocellated spiny eel
  57. Ocellated tonguefish
  58. Ocellated turbot
  59. Ocellated wedge sole
  60. Ocellated wrasse
  61. Ochre-striped cardinalfish
  62. Ochrebanded goatfish
  63. Ocmulgee shiner
  64. Ocre-band wrasse
  65. Ocular blenny
  66. Oda’s skate
  67. Odd highhat
  68. Offshore lizardfish
  69. Offshore pipefish
  70. Offshore ponyfish
  71. Offshore rockfish
  72. Offshore silver hake
  73. Offshore tonguefish
  74. Ogasawara gurnard perch
  75. Ogasawara shrimp-goby
  76. Ogilby’s hardyhead
  77. Ogilby’s rainbowfish
  78. Ogilby’s spiny flathead
  79. Ogilbys wobbegong
  80. Ohio lamprey
  81. Ohrid trout
  82. Oily bitterling
  83. Okaloosa darter
  84. Okapi goby
  85. Okavango suckermouth
  86. Okavango tilapia
  87. Okefenokee pygmy sunfish
  88. Okhotsk hookear sculpin
  89. Okhotsk skate
  90. Okhotsk snailfish
  91. Okinawa chromis
  92. Okinawa flap-headed goby
  93. Okinawa goby
  94. Okinawa rubble goby
  95. Oktedi rainbowfish
  96. Old woman
  97. Oldman klipfish
  98. Olivaceous wormfish
  99. Olive damselfish
  100. Olive darter
  101. Olive flathead-gudgeon
  102. Olive grouper
  103. Olive grunt
  104. Olive Kivu haplo
  105. Olive rockfish
  106. Olive skiffia
  107. Olive wide-eyed flounder
  108. Olive-backed rockfish
  109. Olive-spotted monocle-bream
  110. Olivegreen ufipa barb
  111. Olmec blind catfish
  112. Olmec priapella
  113. Olympic mudminnow
  114. Oman anemonefish
  115. Oman blenny
  116. Oman bullhead shark
  117. Oman butterflyfish
  118. Oman cardinalfish
  119. Oman cownose ray
  120. Oman goby
  121. Oman gurnard
  122. Oman jawfish
  123. Oman moray
  124. Oman porgy
  125. Oman snake eel
  126. Omo lampeye
  127. Omox blenny
  128. One spot demoiselle
  129. One spot seabream
  130. One-and-a-half-stripe hap
  131. One-eyed blenny
  132. One-eyed sole
  133. One-finned shark
  134. One-spot moray
  135. One-stripe anthias
  136. One-stripe fusilier
  137. One-striped fangblenny
  138. Oneband anemonefish
  139. Onefin cat shark
  140. Onefin skate
  141. Onegilled eel
  142. Oneknife unicornfish
  143. Oneline pencilfish
  144. Onesided livebearer
  145. Onespot barb
  146. Onespot demoiselle
  147. Onespot fringehead
  148. Onespot goby
  149. Onespot squeaker
  150. Onespot triplefin
  151. Onespot wormfish
  152. Onestick stingfish
  153. Onestripe eel
  154. Onestripe wormfish
  155. Onestriped poison fang blenny
  156. Onrust klipfish
  157. Opal allotoca
  158. Opal pearlfish
  159. Opata sucker
  160. Opossum pipefish
  161. Orange brotula
  162. Orange clingfish
  163. Orange clinid
  164. Orange clownfish
  165. Orange dottyback
  166. Orange filefish
  167. Orange fin emperor
  168. Orange flagfish
  169. Orange goatfish
  170. Orange notothen
  171. Orange perch
  172. Orange pipefish
  173. Orange reef-goby
  174. Orange river mudfish
  175. Orange rockcod
  176. Orange roughy
  177. Orange scorpionfish
  178. Orange snake eel
  179. Orange tail Kivu haplo
  180. Orange wrasse
  181. Orange-back wrasse
  182. Orange-black dragonet
  183. Orange-dotted tuskfish
  184. Orange-fin file
  185. Orange-freckled flathead
  186. Orange-fringed largemouth
  187. Orange-lined reef basslet
  188. Orange-lined triggerfish
  189. Orange-red pigmy grouper
  190. Orange-socket surgeonfish
  191. Orange-speckled pygmy-goby
  192. Orange-spotted goby
  193. Orange-spotted sand perch
  194. Orange-spotted sand-goby
  195. Orange-spotted shrimp-goby
  196. Orange-spotted spinefoot
  197. Orange-spotted therapon
  198. Orange-spotted toadfish
  199. Orange-stripe emperor
  200. Orange-striped goby
  201. Orange-striped pygmy basslet
  202. Orange-striped wrasse
  203. Orangeback angelfish
  204. Orangeback bass
  205. Orangebanded gurnard perch
  206. Orangebanded stingfish
  207. Orangebar anthias
  208. Orangebelly darter
  209. Orangebelly goby
  210. Orangedotted blenny
  211. Orangeface angelfish
  212. Orangefin barb
  213. Orangefin darter
  214. Orangefin madtom
  215. Orangefin ponyfish
  216. Orangefin shiner
  217. Orangefin tetra
  218. Orangeflag blenny
  219. Orangehead anthias
  220. Orangehead worm-eel
  221. Orangelined cardinalfish
  222. Orangemouth lizardfish
  223. Orangemouth weakfish
  224. Orangeside goby
  225. Orangeside triggerfish
  226. Orangespine unicornfish
  227. Orangespotted blenny
  228. Orangespotted goby
  229. Orangespotted soapfish
  230. Orangespotted sunfish
  231. Orangespotted trevally
  232. Orangestriped squeaker
  233. Orangetail filefish
  234. Orangetail shiner
  235. Orangethroat darter
  236. Orangethroat pikeblenny
  237. Orbicular batfish
  238. Orbiculate cardinalfish
  239. Orbiculate spade fish
  240. Orchid dottyback
  241. Ordinary eel
  242. Ordway’s brotula
  243. Oregon chub
  244. Oriental butterflyfish
  245. Oriental flying gurnard
  246. Oriental maori wrasse
  247. Oriental sillago
  248. Oriental sweetlips
  249. Oriental weatherfish
  250. Oriental worm-eel
  251. Orinoco eartheater
  252. Orkney charr
  253. Ornamented flyingfish
  254. Ornamented wrasse
  255. Ornate angelfish
  256. Ornate bagrid
  257. Ornate bichir
  258. Ornate butterflyfish
  259. Ornate cowfish
  260. Ornate ctenopoma
  261. Ornate dogfish
  262. Ornate eagle ray
  263. Ornate emperor
  264. Ornate goby
  265. Ornate limia
  266. Ornate pipefish
  267. Ornate prawn-goby
  268. Ornate rainbowfish
  269. Ornate shiner
  270. Ornate sleeper-ray
  271. Ornate Snake Eel
  272. Ornate stargazer
  273. Ornate tetra
  274. Ostrich goby
  275. Otjikoto tilapia
  276. Ouachita madtom
  277. Ouachita mountain shiner
  278. Outer-reef damsel
  279. Ouwen’s goby
  280. Oval damselfish
  281. Oval electric ray
  282. Oval flounder
  283. Ovate chromis
  284. Ovate sole
  285. Ovoid toothpony
  286. Owens pupfish
  287. Owens sucker
  288. Oxeye oreo
  289. Oxeye scad
  290. Oxleyan pygmy perch
  291. Oyapock eartheater
  292. Oyster blenny
  293. Oyster pearlfish
  294. Oyster pompano
  295. Oyster toadfish
  296. Ozark bass
  297. Ozark cavefish
  298. Ozark chub
  299. Ozark logperch
  300. Ozark madtom
  301. Ozark minnow
  302. Ozark sculpin
  303. Ozark shiner

Invertebrates: 71 Invertebrate Animals & Insects That Start With O

best animals that start with O: octopus
Animals that start with O: Octopus
  1. Oakslug
  2. Octopus
  3. Ostracod
  4. Owlfly
  5. Oyster
  6. Oak Bark Beetle
  7. Oak Beauty
  8. Oak Blotchminer
  9. Oak Figgall Wasp
  10. Oak Gall Borer
  11. Oak Lace Bug
  12. Oak Leaffolder
  13. Oak Leafmining Sawfly
  14. Oak Leafroller
  15. Oak Leafshredder
  16. Oak Leaftier
  17. Oak Lecanium
  18. Oak Olethreutid Leafroller
  19. Oak Plant Bug
  20. Oak Sapling Borer
  21. Oak Sawfly
  22. Oak Skeletonizer
  23. Oak Timberworm
  24. Oak Tiger Butterfly
  25. Oak Treehopper
  26. Oak Trumpet Skeletonizer
  27. Oak Webworm
  28. Oak-Maple Humped Caterpillar
  29. Oat Aphid
  30. Oat-Birdcherry Aphid
  31. Obliquebanded Leafroller
  32. Obscure Plant Bbug
  33. Obscure Root Weevil
  34. Ocellate Gall Midge
  35. Odd Beetle
  36. Odorous House Ant
  37. Old House Borer
  38. Oleander Aphid
  39. Oleander Scale
  40. Olive Fruit Fly
  41. Omnivorous Leafroller
  42. Omnivorous Leaftier
  43. Oncemarried Underwing
  44. Onelined Larch Sawfly
  45. Onespotted Stink Bug
  46. Onespotted Variant
  47. Onion Bulb Fly
  48. Onion Maggot
  49. Onion Thrip
  50. Opaque Sawyer
  51. Orange dog (caterpillar of Giant Swallowtail Butterfly)
  52. Orange Ichneumonid Wasp
  53. Orange Larch Tubemaker
  54. Orange Spruce Needleminer
  55. Orange Sulphur Butterfly
  56. Orange Tortrix
  57. Orangehumped Mapleworm
  58. Orangehumped Oakworm
  59. Orangestriped Oakworm
  60. Orb Weaver Spider
  61. Oregon Fir Sawyer
  62. Oregon silverspot butterfly
  63. Oriental Cockroach
  64. Oriental Fruit Moth
  65. Oriental Rat Flea
  66. Outhouse Fly
  67. Owlet moth
  68. Owl Butterfly
  69. Owl Moth
  70. Owl Midge
  71. Oystershell Scale

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Hal Brindley at the Antarctic Circle

Hal Brindley

Brindley is an American conservation biologist, wildlife photographer, filmmaker, writer, and illustrator living in Asheville, NC. He studied black-footed cats in Namibia for his master’s research, has traveled to all seven continents, and loves native plant gardening. See more of his work at Travel for Wildlife, Truly Wild, Our Wild Yard, & Naturalist Studio.